Oct. 17, 2019



Rank: Double.

“Behold this Heart which has so much loved men that it spared nothing, even going so far as to exhaust and consume itself to prove to them its love.”
(Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)

Prayer (Collect). 

O Lord Jesus Christ, You wondrously revealed the unsearchable riches of Your Heart to Blessed Virgin Margaret Mary; by her merits and example, grant that loving You in all things and above all things, we may obtain an abode in that same Heart forevermore. Who lives and reigns, world without end. Amen.


Born in the diocese of Autun, France, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque consecrated her heart, while yet a child, to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. As a Visitation Nun, the Saint was chosen by God to reveal to the Christian world the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1675. She, together with Father de la Colombiere, S.J. were the chief instruments in the institution of the Feast of the Sacred Heart. She died on October 17, 1690.


Beatified: 18th September 1864, by Pope Pius IX

Canonized: 13th May 1920, by Pope Benedict XV


Click here, to read the Life Of Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque Of The Sacred Heart, Imprimatur - 14th Jan, 1919.


Click here, to read on the 9 First Fridays Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as given by Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
(The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was officially recognized & approved by Pope Clement XIII in 1765, 75 years after the death of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. In 1794, Pope Pius VI issued a decree approving the devotion and granting indulgences to those who practice it)


An Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, composed by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
(His Holiness, Leo XIII, by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, January 13, 1898, granted to all the faithful who shall recite the above consecration, an indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.)

I, N. N., give and consecrate to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ my person and my life, all my actions, pains and sufferings, resolved of not using any portion of my own self but for his honor, love and glory.

My irrevocable determination is to be entirely his, and to do everything for his love, renouncing with all my heart any act that may displease him.

I do choose you, O most Sacred Heart, for the only object of my love, the protector of my life, the security of my salvation, the safeguard against my frailty and fickleness, the reparation for my delinquencies in life, and my most secure refuge in the hour of death.

Be yourself, O bountiful Heart, my justification before your Divine Father, and defend me from the dread of his just wrath. O most loving Heart, I place all my trust in you, for I am afraid of my own malice and weakness, but all my hope rests with your mercy.

Destroy, then, in me whatever may displease you or resist you; would that the pure love of you be so deeply imprinted in my heart that I could never forsake you or be separated from you.

I beseech you, by all your mercies towards me, that my name may be written in you; since I crave but one thing, that all my happiness and glory may be to live and to die as your most humble servant. Amen.


St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, pray for us.